Sarah Matthews
Hi, I’m Sarah! I am a wife of Khari and mother of 4 amazing girls (Talia, Zora, Isabella, & Bebe-Anna). I accidentally discovered Stroller Strides during the summer of 2017 while trying to attend a Mommy & Me Yoga class. I saw a group of mamas warming up, so I assumed it was the yoga class. Danyette came right over, introduced herself, and told me that I wasn’t wearing the right shoes (I was wearing Birkenstocks). I explained to her that I thought this was a yoga class and we both laughed. Danyette educated me about FIT4MOM and invited me back again. I felt at home instantly and welcomed into the FIT4MOM Village. I loved that I could get in a great workout with baby in tow, so I signed up for the membership, and the rest is history.
I have had the pleasure of attending both Stroller Strides and Body Back classes, and I am in love with both programs. I have been pushed to do workouts that I didn’t think I could do. I have gained confidence, stamina, perseverance, and a new family with the mamas in my village. I’m so grateful for what Danyette, Ellie, and Rachel have done for me that I wanted to help give back to the FIT4MOM Howard County community the same way they have given back to me. I am honored and excited to join the FIT4MOM Howard County team.